
Artificial Intelligence

This is the page displaying all the material related to Artificial Intelligence. This can include projects, blogs, and certificates.


Magician AI cover image

Magician AI

Magician AI is a SaaS platform that leverages AI to enable users to generate various media types and have dynamic conversations. Developing this project allowed me to explore Stripe, Clerk authentication, and unique AI APIs.

Adult Income Prediction

A project leveraging the UCI Adult Income dataset to predict income brackets using a RandomForestClassifier. Emphasis is on feature engineering, data preprocessing with One-Hot Encoding, and model optimization through hyperparameter tuning.

House Price Prediction

An analytical approach to predicting California housing prices using the RandomForestRegressor and LinearRegressor, with a focus on data preprocessing and feature engineering.

Assignment 1

Be able to implement machine-learning algorithms, using the Nearest Neighbours algorithm as an example. Have an understanding of ways to apply the ideas and algorithms of machine learning in science and technology.

Assignment 2

Be able to use and implement machine-learning algorithms, with the Lasso and inductive conformal prediction algorithms as examples. Have an understanding of ways to apply the ideas and algorithms of machine learning in industry and medicine.

Assignment 3

Be able to use and implement machine-learning algorithms, with the SVM, neural networks, and cross-conformal prediction algorithms as examples. Have an understanding of ways to apply the ideas and algorithms of machine learning in industry.

Lab Questions

Implemented various machine learning algorithms and techniques learned during the course, such as Nearest Neighbours, conformal prediction, linear regression, Ridge Regression, Lasso, data preprocessing, parameter selection, kernels, neural networks, support vector machines, scikit-learn pipelines, and cross-conformal predictors.

Quizmify cover image


An intuitive platform for dynamic quiz generation. Users can test their knowledge across various topics, choosing between multiple-choice questions or fill-in-the-gap style challenges. With immediate feedback and score tracking, users enhance their understanding.


In my first year of university, my group and I developed a simple game using SimpleGUI for a project. We manually implemented the game's physics using vector theory and physics concepts. Since there were no tutorials or guides available, we relied heavily on the library's documentation.